The initial idea behind the project was sharing music and joy to people’s homes, to overcome together the challenge we have found ourselves in worldwide due to the virus spreading and when Bravo Niagara! approached me and asked to collaborate on a live-stream performance of the Vivaldi Four Violins Concerto, I was delighted to accept. 

However, I thought this initiative should also find a way to support the people who are in an extreme crisis in this tough time, and that’s why we started conversations with the UN Refugee Agency. We found a quick and enthusiastic collaboration in their representatives, and after a few conversations, the United in Music project got a new purpose: I believe that one should always nurture solidarity and empathy through everything that we do, and we musicians do it through playing music. 

With this project, we encourage you to help us to raise funds for the Refugee Camps to help fight against COVID-19. Beyond the artistic result because of a difficult “set up” from home, we aim to help

Shlomo Mintz

"Los afortunados que asistieron al concierto tuvieron la singular ocasión de escuchar a uno de los más grandes violinistas de estos días".